Tag Archives: recruitment

Make you email useful or I hit delete

I have a number of mails claiming a new vacancy match my profile. The mails give no info about the opportunity or even location so I find it hard to believe anybody would do anything else than just hit delete.

That is not how experienced contractors find new opportunities

It worries me when I get a mail from a recruitment agency that highlight their website features daily new jobs. It shows the agency doesn’t get how experienced contractors find new contracts. Spending the day checking agencies web sites for new opportunities is not the best way to find new contracts or how people with […]

3 reasons I decline most LinkedIn invites from recruiters

Dear Recruiters, Thanks for your invite to join your network on LinkedIn. Let us get a few things straight…. 1. Who are you? There are about 7 billion people on the earth, saying ‘I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.’ doesn’t make you more than a random person out of these […]

Recruiters, you make me laugh!

Dear recruiters of IT professionals, You really make me laugh so often! Do you want to know why? Ok, let me tell you, I hear how you often find it difficult to recruit people, particular the highly experienced with skills that aren’t easy to find or are in high demand. This makes me laugh when […]

7999 competitors but no effort to stand out

The Morgan McKinley website looks very professional, however, as so often with recruitment agencies, the reality is very different. I received an invite on LinkedIn from one of their staff members, the invite only had the default ‘I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.‘ In general I use LinkedIn for people […]

No recruiters I don’t want you to follow my closed personal twitter account

Why does a recruitment agency think I will let their corporate twitter account follow my personal and closed twitter stream? (yes the bio says it a personal twitter stream). I am used to random recruitment agents I never have spoken to want to follow me on LinkedIn, but this is a step further in gate […]

Recruitment is a relationship business, sending random LinkedIn invites is not

There is rarely a day without somebody from one of the 8,000 recruitment agencies in UK wants to connect on LinkedIn. In far most cases the invite comes from a person I never have met or had any contact with – just a request of out of the blue. Normally the invites don’t go further […]

Recruiter for 15 years and still not got it!

A recruiter that claimed to have been a recruiter for 15 years, sent me this I noticed your profile on LinkedIn and found you have strong experience for a Digital Project Manager role I have available. The role is a long term contract offering an excellent day rate. Would you be interested? How can an […]

How to get some to you a favour: Rapport first, Ask second

Food for thought for recruitments – asks questions about a common practice in recruitment industry were recruitment agents ask for favours.

The recruitment industry needs some disruption

Many in the recruitment industry don’t master the basic and few likes dealing with recruitment agents, really an industry that is ripe for some disruption.